Goal: Complete As Many Stages As Possible!

A - Move Left, D - Move Right

E - Interact

Left Click - Shoot

Right Click - Shoot Three Arrows At Once

Space - Jump (sometimes this is bugged on certain surfaces)

Shift - Dash

R - Full Heal

Inventory - I 

Property Page - P



Added new abilities! Right click to fire 3 arrows at once (3 sec cooldown), Shift to dash for 5 seconds (5 second cooldown), R to full heal (100 second cooldown)

Implemented boss on all stages! Defeat it to unlock the portal. (It might be a bit too tough atm, still balancing)

Added a volume slider

Lots of bug fixes


Integrated Shrines of Chance and Multishops into all stages.

Before, common enemies all had the same stats. Now, each one of them has different stats (e.g. movement speed, damage dealt, coins earned on kill)

Harder mobs are exclusive to the later stages.

Golem boss being implemented. Currently spawns immediately, will be changed.

General bug fixes

(new ability system in the works!)


Added Shrines of Chance and Multishops! Heres how they work:

After spending money on a Shrine of Chance, you have a 55% chance to get a random item.  However, if you don't get the item, the shrine increases 40% in price each time. You can get a maximum of two items from a shrine of chance before it turns off.

Multishops have 3 items you can choose from. They cost the same as chests. If you buy one item though, the shop closes. So choose whatever item feels best for you.

The printer and scrapper are only on Stage 1 at spawn! They will be integrated into later stages in the future. Try them out!

Scrappers and Summoning Stones have been integrated on every stage!

Stage 1 now has a golem boss that spawns immediately. Don't worry, this boss will be moved to a different spot later and made harder. This is for testing purposes. Rest assured, the boss is easy at the moment.

New player property page? Ever confused on how much your stats have improved by your items? Press 'P' to open up the property page and see your current stats.

Two new enemies were added! Find them out for yourself :D

Undead boss bug fixes.

We will be adding minibosses on each stage, so stay tuned! Right now you can sort of just run to the portal to advance to the next stage easily.

(just for a quick note: the scrappers are the purple squares, the summoning stones are the stone looking things, the shrines of chance are the statues, and the multishops are the 3 bags of gold with item names. the multishop is a bit left of spawn.)


Added Summoning Stones and Scrappers! Heres how they work:

Scrappers allow you to turn any items you don't want into scrap. Scrap is used for printers.

Summoning Stones spawn and choose a randomly selected item. The item it selects will be shown in yellow text above a summoning stone. If you press Interact on the Summoning Stone, you will give it a scrap in exchange for the item. 

Summoning Stones can be used without scrap! The reason its advised to turn your items into scrap before using one is because if you don't have any scrap, one of your items will be chosen at random to be scrapped and turned into the printer item. Scrap always takes priority!

The Summoning Stone and scrapper are only on Stage 1 at spawn! They will be integrated into later stages in the future. Try them out!

Started working on bosses for each stage. Very rudimentary stage at the moment, only on Stage 1 there is a boss which may or may not be pretty buggy atm :/

2 New monsters were added! Just let them spawn and see.

Auto aiming system is added! Press 'C' to activate it. Later, we will add a button on the main menu to play the game on easy mode, which would keep this permanently activated. Else, you will not have auto aiming.


Added Instructions page to Main Menu

Implemented chests in all stages

New Items, Added Text that appears when you pick one up

Money resets to 0 between stages (spend it!)

Knockback on hit added to enemies

Fixed stage 2 boundary bug

Created fire worm enemy

Fixed inventory not resetting on death

Fixed chest bug

W8 -

Map Integration

Game Balance (Enemies now spawn with half as much health as before)

Added Dashing ( will be balanced later)

Added a New Enemy - The Bat

Bug fixes

W7 - More Maps and Items added, Bug Fixes

Added more music

Fixed clipping through ground bug

Fixed inventory breaking on restart bug

Added enemy levels

Randomized chests on each stage

More maps and items (Haven't integrated them into the core game yet)

W6 - Core Loop Finished

New and Bigger Maps Added

New enemy tracking system

Level system fully implemented

Added Death Screen

New items added

W5 - UI Improvements

Added Difficulty System (Default: Every 4.5 minutes it goes up in difficulty) (In progress)

Added Level and Exp System (in progress)

Added portal system (in progress) (only the first stage is properly configured for the game ignore the others)

Item system (buggy...) (looking to rehaul this soon...) (it also broke the chest :( ... )

Added Passive Health Regen

Zoomed Out Camera (More Risk of Rain style)

Published 13 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withUnity

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